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Website Rules and Guidelines

Welcome to PCOland, Our Decentralized Marketplace! As a decentralized platform, we rely on the collaboration and responsibility of our users. Please adhere to the following rules and guidelines when engaging in buying and selling:

User Accounts:

  • Users must create an account to participate in buying or selling NFT, Grids, and tiles.
  • Keep your account information secure and do not share login details.

Ownership Verification:

  • Sellers must have ownership or authorized rights to the NFT, Grids, and tiles they list.
  • Buyers are encouraged to verify ownership before completing transactions.

Privacy and Security:

  • Protect your personal information and respect the privacy of others.

Decentralization Principles:

  • Embrace the decentralized nature of our platform, respecting user autonomy and peer-to-peer interactions.
  • Be mindful of the trustless environment and use secure, decentralized wallets for transactions.

Smart Contracts and Transactions:

  • Transactions are facilitated through smart contracts; ensure you understand and agree to the terms before engaging in any transaction.
  • Verify the authenticity of smart contracts and associated details before proceeding.

Transparent Listings:

  • Provide transparent and accurate information when creating NFT, Grid, and tile for sale.
  • Ensure that all relevant details, including smart contract addresses, are openly accessible.

Decentralized Identity:

  • Users have the right to pseudonymity; respect the privacy and autonomy of participants.
  • Use decentralized identity solutions to enhance user privacy.

Immutable Transactions:

  • Transactions on the blockchain are immutable; exercise caution and due diligence before finalizing any deals.

Account Suspension and Banning:

  • Violation of these rules may result in warnings, temporary suspension, or permanent banning.
  • The platform reserves the right to investigate and take necessary actions against users who breach these rules.

Updates to Guidelines:

  • Guidelines may be updated through decentralized governance mechanisms. Stay informed about changes affecting the community.

By participating in PCOland, users acknowledge the decentralized nature of the platform and commit to respecting the principles outlined in these rules. Failure to adhere may result in consequences determined by the decentralized governance system.

Thank you for contributing to our community!

PCOland Community