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Project timeline 2024

Phase 1: Foundation and Token Release (2024 Q1)

1. Token Creation: Launch the native governance token "PME" on the Polygon blockchain network with smart contracts and token release.

2. Registration and candidate for Voters: Allow interested participants to register as voters for the network.

3. Development of Tiles or Land Marketplace: Enable users to buy, sell, and trade virtual land and NFTs within the metaverse.

4. NFT Marketplace

5. land Grade purchase system.

6.Staking assets for exclusive rewards and Scoring mechanism the voter

7.Setup of Voter Nodes: Deploy voter nodes to support the network's consensus mechanism.

8.Calculation of First Term of Liquid Voter pool.

9. Allow voters to withdraw their holdings from the liquid pool.

10. DAO Setup: Establish a decentralized autonomous organization for project governance.

11. Token release in CEX.

12.Smart Contract : Develop secure smart contracts for transactions, governance, and NFT minting.


Phase 2: create avatars, build lands, and engage in business activities.(2024 Q2,3)

1. Avatar Creation: Develop tools for users to create and personalize their avatars.

2. Create brand likenesses with life like custom and prebuilt 3D avatars.

3. Land Building: Implement features for users to acquire and build virtual lands.

4. Daily User Activity: Encourage daily engagement with quests and rewards.

5. Business Activities: Integrate business opportunities with virtual storefronts and advertising spaces.

6. Tokenomics Optimization: Fine-tune the tokenomics model for sustainability and value creation.

7.Testing and Feedback.

8. Launch of Phase 2.


Phase 3: Gamification Features Development (2024 Q4)

1.Implement challenges, leaderboards, and rewards

2. Players can log-in, create accounts.

3. Players can walk around station

4. Players can portal to new areas

5. Animated space and centerpiece

6. Character animations

7. Testing and Security Audits

8. Launch of Phase 3 with marketing campaigns.